a repository for development of the prosopography “site index” data serving
archives the current release and all previous releases of our prosopography data in this repository.
If you are here to update the Digital Mitford Site Index, please follow our instructions posted in
The following directories in this repository help to organize work on adding new site index entries and editing the complete site index:
- si_Add_IP (for working on draft
files before they are ready for sharing with the project team) - si_Add_Staged (A “staging area” or sharing
files with the team so the new xml:ids are available for schema checking. NOTE: This holds a catalogue.xml file which must be updated when new files are staged here.) - si_Full_IP (a work space for editing the full site index file.)
- si_Full_Staged (A “staging area” for sharing a final draft of the full site index file, prior to public release.)
- Template_si_Add (Stores the current
template files for compiling new entries from back lists for the Site Index.) - schemas (Holds the schema files for validating/checking/guiding encoding for the si files.)
- xslt (Holds XSLT files for alphabetically sorting and other processing for SI files)
- old (old files of any kind no longer in use, of archival value only)