Nov 1819

Monday 1

At home--wrote to Eliza Webb--began to cut out my gray cloth gown--read Manners--a pretty thing.

Tuesday 2

At home--went firtopping got a great many--read the Pamphleteer & the Eclectic & British Critic Reviews.

Wednesday 3

At home--Mr. Greene called & was very pleasant--read an Etymology of old Sayings proverbs &c--& some of the Monthly Magazine.

Thursday 4

At home--went with dear Drum to Reading & Wokingham--dined there & came back at night--a very pleasant day.

Friday 5

At home--Mr. Merry sent me Mr. Talfourd's M.S. Petition--very fine. Walked with Granny & Moll--read the Monthly & European Magazines.

Saturday 6

At home--heard from Eliza Webb--wrote to Mr. Haydon--went firtopping--got a great many--read Harold the Exile, very stupid & dismal.

Sunday 7

At home--Dear Granny had not been well this week--was better today dear love--walked down the lane, with Luce & Molly. Wrote to Mary Webb. Missed my poor Mossy very much.

Monday 8

At home--Dear Drum went to London--went firtopping got a good many--Lucy finished my pretty gray cloth gown--read Harcourt.

Tuesday 9

At home--Heard from dear Drum--wrote to dear Drum--went firtopping--got a great many. Wrote to Sir William Elford.

Wednesday 10

At home--heard from Drum--Mrs. Dickinson came & took me to Reading & then back with her to Legh's Travels in Egypt & wrote to Mrs. Dickinson.

Friday 12

At home--read Walpole's Letters to Mr. Montagu--charming--wrote some more of my letter to Sir William Elford. Had the Piles a little.

Saturday 13

At home--went firtopping did not get so many as usual--read Legh's Travels in Egypt & Hazlitt's Lectures on Poetry--heard from Aunt Mary.

Sunday 14

At home--heard from Mrs. Dickinson--called with dear Drum at Farley Hill--a very pleasant morning--came home to dinner--wrote to Mrs. Rowden & finished my letter to Sir W. Elford.

Monday 15

Dear Drum's birthday--he went to our County Meeting about the Manchester business & seconded the resolutions--I went firtopping--did not get many--Heard from Miss James. Read Corinne.

Tuesday 16

At home--heard from Haydon & Mrs. Rowden--wrote to Miss James & Col. Anstruther--Mr. Johnson dined and slept here & was very agreeable indeed--a very pleasant day.

Wednesday 17

At home--Mr. Johnson went home after breakfast--worked a little of my shirt yesterday--read Purity of heart or the Ancient Costume.

Thursday 18

At home--heard from Colonel Anstruther--called with dear Drum at Farley Hill & Wokingham. Came home to dinner--a pleasant day.

Friday 19

At home--went firtopping found a good many in a rabbit hole--somebody meant to steal them--read Marriage--famous.

Saturday 20

At home--went firtopping--one of my Bobby's came to me to be fed & eat so pretty! in the plantation by the white gate--did a great deal of talking--heard from Mary Webb.

Sunday 21

At home--was white haired--cut Drum's hair--read Women or Minor Maxims--a pretty thing. Missed my own dear Mossy very much indeed--Though Molly is a trim little bitch.

Monday 22

At home--Mary Webb & Miss Jeremy & Mr. Joliffe dined with us & the ladies slept here--Drum bought dear Granny's new Puce cloth gown--dear lamb--a very pleasant day.

Tuesday 23

At home--Mary Webb & Miss Jeremy went away this morning--a very agreeable visit--Read Letters from the Cage in answer to Warden--famous praise of my beloved Emperor.

Wednesday 24

At home--altered a gown for dear Granny--the cloth gown finished--went firtopping--fed my Bobby's--read an attempt to prove a Dr. Wilmot wrote Junius.

Thursday 25

At home--Granny & Drum went to Winchester--Mr. John Elliott came to look about the house & the timber--Bobbies came
be fed--Luce & I very comfortable together.

Friday 26

At home--Dear Drum came home having left dear Granny at Winchester--he brought our pretty little bitch Miranda to see us for a week--& she knew us all just as well as ever.

Saturday 27

At home--wrote to dear Granny--went to Reading with dear Drum--called at the Whites--Brookes--Newberys & Bulleys--dined at the Valpys--no company but Miss Ross--a very pleasant day--came home at night & found a beautiful purse a present from Miss Harley.

Sunday 28

At home--wrote to Miss Harley--Miss Webb--Mrs. Dickinson--Mr. Palmer & dear Granny--could not go with Drum to Wokingham on account of the frost. Read Sense & Sensibility--very good.

Monday 29

At home--dear Drum went to Ilsley--dear Granny still at Winchester--did some tatting--read Sense & Sensibility--wrote to the --had a great many bobbies eating at my board.

Tuesday 30

At home--heard from dear Granny--wrote to dear Granny--did some tatting--read Symmon's Life of Milton--very good--Luce & Molly very amiable--want Granny.

Gloss of Names Mentioned



  • species: Abies alba
  • genus: Abies
  • family: Pinaceae
Evergreen coniferous trees found through much of North and Central America, Europe, Asia, and North Africa. Unlike other conifers, firs bear erect cones that are raised above the branches like candles; at maturity, the cones disintegrate to release winged seeds. One of Mitford’s favorite foraging trees; she calls her collecting activity fir topping. Mitford would likely have been familiar with the European silver fir, which was brought to England in the 17th century. Other types of firs such as Douglas firs and noble firs, native to North America and used as Christmas trees, were introduced to the UK in the nineteenth century.


  • species: Oryctolagus cuniculus
  • genus: Oryctolagus
  • family: Leporidae
Small, grey-brown furry mammal that lives in groups in networks of underground burrows. Same species as domesticated rabbits, and raised for meat, fur, and as companion animals. Traditionally the fur has been felted for hats as well as used to line garments. The meat was an important staple in the diet of the poorer classes, purchased, hunted or trapped, sometimes in violation of game and enclosure laws enacted from the 18th century forward. Prefer grasslands with nearby treelines or hedges. Native to the Iberian peninsula and southern France, but has been widely introduced elsewhere. UK rabbits are believed to have come with the Normans and populations increased during the eighteenth-century with changing agricultural methods such as predator control and field crop farming.

robin redbreast

  • species: Erithacus rubecula
  • genus: Erithacus
  • family: Muscicapidae
Small songbird, native to Europe, now considered a type of Old World flycatcher. In Mitford's time, believed to be part of the thrush family, along with nightingales. Not to be confused with the American robin, a new World thrush, this bird is sometimes referred to as an English robin in North America. Frequently referenced in British folk tales and popular culture, the bird became associated with the Christmas holiday in the mid-nineteenth century. The bird's name derives from the male forename Robin or Robert, which led to nicknames of Bob and Bobby. Robins in Great Britain are generally less wary of humans than their counterparts in continental Europe. Mitford calls the tame robins she feeds her bobbies.



Manners: A Novel

  • Author:
  • Date:
    3 vols. Written under the pseudonym Madame Panache. Mitford rated it a pretty thing.

  • Author: No author listed.
  • Date: No date listed.

The Eclectic Review

  • Author: No author listed.
  • Date: No date listed.
    Monthly periodical published between 1805 and 1868. Focusesd on long and short reviews and topical review essays. Founded by Dissenters and operated as a non-profit; all profits were donated to the British and Foreign Bible Society. Followed a nonsectarian editorial policy with an intellectual tone modeled on 18th-century periodicals but advanced reviewing toward critical analysis and away from quotation and summary. Coverage included American as well as British literature, and other subjects and titles of general interest. Influential editors included co-founder Daniel Parken (until 1813), Josiah Conder (1813-1836), Thomas Price (1837-1855).

British Critic, A New Review

  • Author: No author listed.
  • Date: No date listed.
    Conservative periodical with High Church editorial views. Published monthly between 1792 and 1825 and then quarterly until 1843. Succeeded by the English Review in 1853. Edited until 1811 by Thomas Fanshaw Middleton. Also edited by William R. Lyall (1816-17); Archibald M. Campbell (about 1823-1833); James S. Boone (1833-1837); Samuel R. Maitland (1837-38); John Henry Newman (1838-1841); and Thomas Mozley (1841-43).

Antiquitates Curiosae: the etymology of many remarkable old sayings, proverbs, & singular customs

  • Author:
  • Date:

The Monthly Magazine

  • Author: No author listed.
  • Date: No date listed.
    Monthly general-interest periodical. Published between 1796 and 1843. Founded by publisher Richard Philips and edited until 1811 by John Aikin.

  • Author: No author listed.
  • Date: No date listed.

European Magazine

  • Author: No author listed.
  • Date: No date listed.
    Monthly periodical published from 1782 until 1826. Original title: European Magazine, and London Review covering the Literature, History, Politics, Arts, Manners, and Amusements of the Age. Early publisher of Wordsworth.

Harold the Exile

  • Author: anonymous
  • Date:
    3 volumes. Published anonymously and with no publisher listed. Considered to be a fictionalized account of the early life of Byron and his spouse Annabelle Millbank Byron. Mitford rated it very stupid & dismal.

  • Author: No author listed.
  • Date: No date listed.

Narrative of a Journey in Egypt and the Country Beyond the Cataracts

  • Author:
  • Date:

Letters from the Hon. Horace Walpole to George Montagu, Esq. from the year 1736, to the year 1770: Now First Published from the Originals in the Possession of the Editor

  • Author:
  • Date: 1818 Friday 12 November 1819
    A second edition appears in 1819.

Lectures on the English Poets, delivered at the Surrey Institution

  • Author: #Hazlitt_Wm
  • Date: 1819

Corinne, ou, L’Italie

  • Author:
  • Date: 1807

  • Author: No author listed.
  • Date: No date listed.

Marriage: A Novel

  • Author: Susan Ferrier
  • Date: 1818 Saturday 13 March 1819.
    Mitford records that she liked it very much; she also says that it made me laugh. In journal entry Saturday 13 March 1819. .

Woman, or Minor maxims

  • Author: #BuddenM
  • Date:
    In 2 volumes. Full title: Woman, or Minor maxims. A Sketch. Minerva Press.

  • Author: No author listed.
  • Date: No date listed.

  • Author: No author listed.
  • Date: No date listed.

Sir Philip Francis denied!: a letter addressed to the British nation

  • Author:
  • Date:
    James Wilmot's niece Olivia Wilmot Serres claims that her uncle wrote The Letters of Junius. Part of the controversy over the identity of the pseudonymous author.

Sense and Sensibility

  • Author:
  • Date: 1811
    3 volumes. Published anonymously as by a Lady. Mitford rated it very good.

The Prose Works of John Milton: with a Life of the Author

  • Author:
  • Date:
    Mitford rated it very good.

Persons, Personas, and Characters

Eliza Webb

  • Webb Elizabeth Eliza
  • Wokingham, Berkshire, England
  • Sandgate, Kent, England
Elizabeth Webb, called Eliza, was a neighbor and friend of Mary Russell Mitford. Eliza Webb was the youngest daughter of James Webb and Jane Elizabeth Ogbourn. She was baptized privately on March 3, 1797, and publicly on June 8, 1797 in Wokingham, Berkshire. She is the sister of Mary Elizabeth and Jane Eleanor Webb. In 1837 she married Henry Walters, Esq., in Wokingham, Berkshire. In Needham’s papers, he notes from the Berkshire Directorythat she lived on Broad street, presumably in Wokingham. Source: See Needham’s letter to Roberts on November 27, 1953 .

    George Mitford

    • George Mitford Esq.
    • George Midford
    • Hexham, Northumberland, England
    • Three Mile Cross, Shinfield, Berkshire, England
    Father of Mary Rusell Mitford, George Mitford was the son of Francis Midford, surgeon, and Jane Graham. The family name is sometimes recorded as Midford. Immediate family called him by nicknames including Drum, Tod, and Dodo. He was a member of a minor branch of the Mitfords of Mitford Castle in Northumberland. Although later sources would suggest that he was a graduate of the University of Edinburgh medical school, there is no evidence that he obtained a medical degree and he did not generally refer to himself as Dr. Mitford, preferring to style himself Esq.. In 1784, he is listed in a Hampshire directory as surgeon (medicine) of Alresford. His father and grandfather worked as apothecary-surgeons and it seems likely that he served a medical apprenticeship with family members.
    He married Mary Russell on October 17, 1785 at New Alresford, Hampshire. On the marriage allegation papers, both gave their addresses as Old Alresford; they later came to live at Broad Street in New Alresford. Their only child to live to adulthood, Mary Russell Mitford, was born two years later on December 16, 1787 at New Alresford, Hampshire. He assisted Mitford's literary career by representing her interests in London and elsewhere with theater owners and publishers. He was active in Whig politics and later served as a local magistrate. He coursed greyhounds with his friend James Webb.

    William Merry

    • Merry William
    • London, Middlesex, England
    • Shinfield, Berkshire, England
    A friend and correspondent of Mary Russell Mitford and Elizabeth Barrett-Browning. Author and county magistrate. Listed among the gentry of Shinfield village, associated with the Highlands estate, and noted by Needham in his research. Source: Post Office Directory of Berkshire, 1854.

    Thomas Noon Talfourd

    • Talfourd Thomas Noon
    • Reading, Berkshire, England
    • Stafford, Staffordshire, England
    Close friend, literary mentor, and frequent correspondent of Mary Russell Mitford. A native of Reading, Talfourd was educated at the Reading’s newly-established Mill Hill school, a dissenting academy, from 1808 to 1810. He attended Dr. Richard Valpy’s Reading School from 1810 to 1812. His career in law began with a legal apprenticeship with Joseph Christy, special pleader, in 1817. He was called to the bar in London in 1821 and ultimately earned a D.C.L. (Doctor of Civil Laws) from Oxford on June 20, 1844. While establishing his practice as a barrister and special pleader, he worked as legal correspondent for The Times, reporting on the Oxford Circuit, and also continued his literary interests. After 1833, he was appointed Serjeant at Law, as well as a King’s and Queen’s Counsel. He was elected and served as Member of Parliament for Reading from 1835 to 1841 and from 1847 to 1849 ; he served with Charles Fyshe Palmer, Charles Russell, and Francis Piggott. Highlights of his political and legal career included introducing the first copyright bill into Parliament in 1837 (for which action Charles Dickens dedicated Pickwick Papers to him) and defending Edward Moxon’s publication of Percy Shelley’s Queen Mab in 1841 . He was appointed Queen’s Serjeant in 1846 and Judge of Common Pleas in 1849 , at which post he served until his death in 1854. He was knighted in 1850 .
    Talfourd’s literary works include his plays Ion (1835), The Athenian Captive (1837) and Glencoe, or the Fate of the MacDonalds(1839).

    Mitford Russell Mary

    • Mrs. Mitford
    • Ashe, Hampshire, England
    • Three Mile Cross, parish of Shinfield, Berkshire, England
    Mary Russell was the youngest child of the Rev. Dr. Richard Russell and his second wife, Mary Dicker; she was born about 1750 in Ashe, Hampshire. (Her birth date is as yet unverified; period sources indicate that she was ten years older than her husband George, born in 1760.) Through the Russells, she was a distant relation of the Dukes of Bedford (sixth creation, 1694). She had two siblings, Charles William and Frances; both predeceased her and their parents, which resulted in Mary Russell inheriting her family’s entire estate upon her mother’s death in 1785. Her father’s rectory in Ashe was only a short distance from Steventon, and so she was acquainted with the young Jane Austen. She married George Mitford or Midford on October 17, 1785 at New Alresford, Hampshire. On the marriage allegation papers, both gave their addresses as Old Alresford. Their only daughter, Mary Russell Mitford, was born two years later on December 16, 1787 at New Alresford, Hampshire. Mary Russell died on January 2, 1830 at Three Mile Cross in the parish of Shinfield, Berkshire. Her obituary in the 1830 New Monthly Magazine gives New Year’s day as the date of her death.


      Mitford's dog, whom she describes in a letter of 1820-11-27 as a pretty little Spaniel with long curling hair--so white & delicate & ladylike.

      Haydon Benjamin Robert

      • Plymouth, England
      • London
      Benjamin Robert Haydon was a painter educated at the Royal Academy, who was famous for contemporary, historical, classical, biblical, and mythological scenes, though tormented by financial difficulties and incarceration. He painted William Wordsworth's portrait in 1842 and painted a cameo of Keats in his epic canvas Christ's Entry into Jerusalem(1814-20). MRM was introduced to him at his London studio in the spring of 1817, and Sir William Elford was a mutual friend, and Haydon’s own acquaintances included several prominent British Romantic literary figures. He completed The Raising of Lazarus in 1823 . He wrote a diary and an autobiography, both of which were published only posthumously, and he committed suicide in 1846. George Paston's Little Memoirs of the Nineteenth Century (1893) contends that Mitford was asked to edit Haydon's memoir, but declined.

      Lucy Sweetser Hill

      • Hill Sweatser Lucy
      • Stratfield Saye, Berkshire, England
      Beloved servant for twelve years in the Mitford household who, on 7 August 1820 married Charles Hill. She is the basis for the title character in the Our Village story. Source: Needham Papers, Reading Central Library.

      Mary Webb

      • Webb Mary Elizabeth
      • Wokingham, Berkshire, England
      Close friend and frequent correspondent of Mary Russell Mitford. Mary Webb was the daughter of James Webb. and Jane Elizabeth Ogbourn. Baptized on April 15, 1796 in Wokingham, Berkshire. Sister of Elizabeth (called Eliza) and Jane Eleanor Webb and niece of the elder Mary Webb, Aunt Mary. In Needham’s papers, he notes from the Berkshire Directorythat she lived on Broad street, presumably in Wokingham, Berkshire. She was the wife of Thomas Hawkins as she is referred to thus in probate papers of 1858 regarding the wills of her sister Eliza Webb Walter and her husband Henry Walter. Date of death unknown. Dates unknown.


        Mitford’s dog; He died on Saturday, August 21, 1819 at Bertram House. Mossy was a nickname for Moss Trooper.

        Sir William Elford

        • Elford William Sir baronet Recorder for Plymouth Recorder for Totnes Member of Parliament
        • Kingsbridge, Devon, England
        • Totnes, Devon, England
        According to L’Estrange, Sir William was first a friend of Mitford’s father, and Mitford met him for the first time in the spring of 1810 when he was a widower nearing the age of 64. They carried on a lively correspondence until his death in 1837.
        Elford worked as a banker at Plymouth Bank (Elford, Tingcombe and Purchase) in Plymouth, Devon, from its founding in 1782. He was elected a member of Parliament for Plymouth as a supporter of the government and Tory William Pitt, and served from 1796 to 1806. After his election defeat in Plymouth in 1806, he was elected member of Parliament for Rye and served from July 1807 until his resignation in July 1808. For his service in Parliament as a supporter of Pitt, he was made a baronet in 1800. After his son Jonathan came of age, he tried to secure a stable government post for him but never succeeded. Mayor of Plymouth in 1796 and Recorder for Plymouth from 1797 to 1833, he was also Recorder for Totnes from 1832 to 1834. Sir William served as an officer in the South Devon militia from 1788, eventually attaining the rank of Lieutenant Colonel; the unit saw active service in Ireland during the Peninsular Wars. Sir William was a talented amateur painter in oils and watercolors who exhibited at the Royal Society from 1774 to 1837; he exhibited still lifes and portraits but preferred landscapes. He was elected to the Royal Society Academy in 1790. He was also a talented amateur naturalist and was elected to the Royal Linnaean Society in 1790; late in life, he published his findings on an alternative to yeast.
        He married his first wife, Mary Davies of Plympton, on January 20, 1776 and they had one son, Jonathan, and two daughters, Grace Chard and Elizabeth. After the death of his first wife, he married Elizabeth Hall Walrond, widow of Lieutenant-Colonel Maine Swete Walrond of the Coldstream Guards. His only son Jonathan died in 1823, leaving him without an heir.

        Mrs. Dickinson

        • Catherine Allingham Dickinson
        • Middlesex, England
        • St. Marylebone, Middlesex, England
        Catherine Allingham was the daughter of Thomas Allingham. She married Charles Dickinson on August 2, 1807 at St. Giles, South Mimms, Middlesex. They lived in Swallowfield, where their daughter Frances was born, and where they were visited by the Mitford family. According to Mitford, Catherine Dickinson was fond of match-making among her friends and acquaintances. (See Mitford's February 8th, 1821 letter to Elford . Her husband Charles died in 1827, when her daughter was seven. Source: L'Estrange).

        Thomas Legh

        • Legh Thomas
        • England
        • England
        Illegitimate eldest son of Thomas Peter Legh. Member of Parliament. Mitford read his Narrative of a Journey in Egypt and the Country Beyond the Cataracts.

          William Hazlitt

          • Hazlitt William
          • Maidstone, Kent, England
          • Soho, London, England
          Essayist and critic, acquaintance of Mary Russell Mitford. Author of Table Talk (1821) and The Spirit of the Age (1825). Also authored collections of critical essays such as Characters of Shakespeare (1817), A View of the English Stage (1818), and English Comic Writers (1819). In a letter of 2 October 1820 , Mary Russell Mitford writes of Hazlitt to their mutual friend Haydon, He is the most delightful critic in the [world]-- puts all his taste, his wit, his deep thinking, his matchless acuteness into his subject, but he does not put his whole heart & soul into it [. . . ] What charms me most in Mr. Haslitt is the beautiful candour which he bursts forth sometimes from his own prejudices [ . . . ] I admire him so ardently that when I begin to talk of him I never know how to stop. I could talk on for an hour in a see saw of praise and blame as he himself does of Beaumont & Fletcher & some of his old [favourites].

          Aunt Mary Webb

          • Webb Mary
          • Aunt Mary
          Friend ofMary Russell Mitford. Sister or sister-in-law of James Webb and aunt of Eliza, Jane and Mary Webb. Francis Needhamsuggests that she was the basis for the character of Aunt Martha in the Our Villagestory of that title. Sources: Francis Needham, Letter to William Roberts, 16 June 1953 . Needham Papers, Reading Central Library . Relationship to other Webbs and birth and death dates unknown. More research needed.

          Frances Rowden St. Quintin

          • Rowden St. Quintin Frances Arabella Fanny
          Educator, author, and Mitford tutor. Also taught Caroline Lamb and L.E.L.. Worked at St. Quintin School at 22 Hans Place, London, started by M. St. Quintin, a French emigre. St. Quintin and his first wife originally ran a school in Reading; Frances Rowden became his second wife after his first wife's death. In The Queens of Society by Grace and Philip Wharton, the authors note that, while unmarried, Frances Rowden styled herself Mrs. Rowden (1860: 148). Rowden wrote poetry, including Poetical Introduction to the Study of Botany (1801) and The Pleasures of Friendship: A Poem, in two parts (1810, rpt. 1812, 1818); also wrote textbooks, including A Christian Wreath for the Pagan Dieties (1820, illus. Caroline Lamb), and A Biographical Sketch of the Most Distinguished Writers of Ancient and Modern Times (1821, illus. Caroline Lamb). (See Landon's Memoirs ; See also L'Estrange, ed. The Life of Mary Russell Mitford: Told by Herself,(21) .

          Elizabeth James

          • Elizabeth Mary James
          • Miss James
          • Bath, Somerset, England
          • 3 Pembroke Villas, Richmond, Surrey, England
          Close friend and correspondent of Mary Russell Mitford. She was the eldest daughter of Thomas Webb and Susanna Haycock. Her father died in 1818 and her mother in 1835. After her parents’ deaths, she lived with her two younger sisters, Emily and Susan, in Green Park Buildings, Bath, Walcot, Somerset; High Street, Mortlake, Surrey; and 3 Pembroke Villas, Richmond, Surrey. According to Coles, referring to Mitford’s diary, letters were also addressed to her at Bellevue, Lower Road, Richmond (Coles 26). She was buried at St. Mary Magdalene, Richmond, Surrey. In the 1841 census, she is listed as living on independent means; in the 1851 census, as landholder; in the 1861 census, she as railway shareholder.

          Colonel Anstruther

          • Anstruther Colonel
          Mitford corresponded with him in 1819 and visited his daughter, Miss Anstruther, in Reading. Forename unknown. Dates unknown.

          John Johnson

          • Johnson John Mr.
          • the Junius of Marlow
          • Timothy Trueman
          Friend who leaves his collection of political books to Northmore upon his death in 1821. Mitford helps his sister, Miss Johnson, sort out the books that are part of the estate, according to her letter of 1 July 1821. Lived at Seymour Court near Great Marlow before his death. Mitford reports meeting Mr. Johnson and Mr. Northmore for the first time in March 1819 in a letter to Elford. She describes him as one of those delightful old men that render age so charming--mild playful kind & wise--talking just as Isaac Walton would have talked if we were to [have] gone out fishing with him. The Gentleman’s Magazine obituary lists his full name as John Johnson, esq. and gives his date of death as 5 April 1821. See Obituary; with Anecdotes of Remarkable Persons. Gentleman’s Magazine and Historical Review 91.1 (1821): [Died] April 5 . . . John Johnson, esq. of Seymour-court, near Great Marlow, a celebrated member of the Hampden Club, and author of various political letters, &c., under the signature of Timothy Trueman (381). The Monthly Repository of Theology and General Literature 16 (1821), lists the same death date and notes that he was author of various political letters and essays in Mr. B. Flower’s Political Register and other periodical works, under the signature of Timothy Trueman (314).

            Mr. Jolliffe

            • Jolliffe Mr.
            Friend of the Mitford family, who offered the family lumber to build a cottage in 1818. Source: L'Estrange.

            James Wilmot

            • Wilmot James
            • Warwick, Warwickshire, England
            • Barton-on-the-Heath, Warwickshire, England
            In 1817, his niece Olivia Serres claimed that he was the author of the Letters of Junius. Serres was revealed as an imposter and forger and her claims disproved.


              Pseudonymous author of The Letters of Junius, active during the 1770s. Still unidentified, although may have been Sir Philip Francis.

              Félix Lope de Vega y Carpio

              • de Vega Carpio Felix Lope
              • Madrid, Castile
              • Madrid, Castile
              Prolific and renowned Spanish writer of the Baroque period, active from 1580 into the 17th century. Important playwright whose works were translated and adapted for English theater from 1660.


                  A greyhound owned by Mitford, described by her as blue all sprinkled with little white spots just like a starry night in her 13 February 1819 letter to Haydon.

                    Miss Harley

                    • Harley Miss
                    Friend of Mitford's who made her a purse and who received a presentation copy of the 1811 Poems. She writes more frequently than she visits. Forename unknown. Dates unknown. Source: Journal.

                    Charles Fyshe Palmer

                    • Palmer Charles Fyshe
                    • Long Fyshe
                    • Luckley House, Wokingham, Berkshire, England
                    • Wokingham, Berkshire, England
                    Charles Fyshe Palmer was the son of Charles Fyshe Palmer and Lucy Jones. He married Lady Madelina Gordon Sinclair in 1805 at Kimbolton Castle in Kimbolton, Herefordshire . They lived at Luckley House, Wokingham, Berkshire and at East Court, Finchampstead, Berkshire. Through her siblings, Lady Madelina was connected to several of the most influential aristocratic families in the country, and Charles Fyshe Palmer’s marriage to Lady Madelina thus gained him access to aristocratic houses, including the Holland House.
                    A Whig politician, Palmer began running for Parliament elections as the member for Reading after 1816, and appears to have served off and on in that role until 1841. He led the Berkshire meetings to protest British government’s handling of the Peterloo Massacre in 1819. On March 16, 1820, Palmer ran for a seat in Parliament against two other candidates. The votes ran: John Berkeley Monck (418 votes), Charles Fyshe Palmer(399 votes), and John Weyland(395 votes.) Mitford’s letters around this time indicate she much preferred his opponent J. B. Monck, and she had earlier satirized Palmer in 1818 as vastly like a mop-stick, or, rather, a tall hop-pole, or an extremely long fishing-rod, or anything that is all length and no substance.
                    Mitford also mentions Palmer in connection with a legal issue surrounding the Billiard Club, in her letter to Talfourd of 31 August 1822 . Mitford also mentions the ways that Palmer’s political opponents sometimes undermined his Whig reformist positions by referencing the noble privileges (and money) he accrued by marrying the Lady Madelina Gordon in 1805.

                      Jonathan Swift

                      • Jonathan Swift
                      • Dean of St Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin
                      • Lemuel Gulliver
                      • Isaac Bickerstaff
                      • M.B. Drapier
                      • Dublin, Ireland
                      • Dublin, Ireland
                      Irish clergyman and author, later Dean of St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin. Author of Gulliver's Travels and A Modest Proposal.
